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The Science Of Clean Habits

We know this all sounds too good to be true; we thought so too! But the proof is in the papers. Dive into the scientific research that helped bring Clean Habits to life as it continues to develop right here…

When you see the HEIQ Synbio Technology® emblem on our products, it’s proof of strength and effectiveness in a patented formula.

Our combination of Prebiotics (which stimulate a healthy, diverse microbiome) and Probiotics (which produce the enzymes that break down dirt) work together during AND after use to give your surfaces a deep cleanse that lasts. Clean Habits can absorb dirt particles for up to FIVE full days. But don’t take our word for it; take the word of all the independent researchers who’ve compiled evidence for the science behind Clean Habits.

March 2022
How does probiotic cleaning impact the diversity and stability of bacteria in hospital rooms?

A study conducted by the University Hospital Jena and the Charité Berlin shows positive effects of probiotic cleaning in a clinical setting. The study ...

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November 2021
Can probiotic cleaning systems effectively reduce viruses like SARS-CoV-2 and keep hospitals free from harmful viruses?

The Probiotic Cleaning Hygiene System (PCHS) was put to the test and found to work well against viruses that have a protective outer layer, known as ...

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April 2021
How can beneficial bacteria enhance the immune system's response to respiratory viral infections?

Emerging evidence suggests that microbial therapeutics can prevent and treat respiratory viral diseases, especially when applied directly to the ...

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January 2021
Can compounds derived from Bacillus species be used to develop drugs against COVID-19?

A study was performed using a computer to hunt for substances from Bacillus bacteria that might block an important part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (the ...

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December 2020
Can biosurfactants be used in therapeutics and environmental control to prevent COVID-19 and future microbial threats?

Biosurfactants are soap-like substances made by living organisms that can be game-changers in fighting diseases, including COVID-19. These ...

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October 2020
Do lipopeptides have a potential use in therapeutic drugs to hinder COVID-19?

The COVID-19 outbreak, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, created a rush to find new medications to fight off the illness. ...

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February 2020
What are the advantages and limitations of various flocculants used in wastewater treatment?

This study focused on how to improve cleaning and clearing of high turbidity (muddy or cloudy) drinking water to produce an end result that is safe to drink...

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March 2019
Will Bacillus subtilis spores enhance the immune response against respiratory virus infection?

Alveolar macrophages (AM) are the security guards of our lungs, fighting off invaders like the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which can cause lung ...

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July 2018
Can a probiotic-based sanitation system reduce the incidence of healthcare-associated infections?

When hospitals tried out a new cleaning method with probiotics (PCHS), they saw a big drop in healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), which are infections ...

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June 2017
Do probiotic bacterias effectively protect against the influenza virus?

A study by American Society for Microbiology looks specifically into the probiotic strain Bacillus Subtilis 3. This bacteria is helpful because it can fight ...

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February 2016
Can probiotic-based cleaning effectively reduce the presence of drug-resistant pathogens on hospital surfaces?

The study explored how using a cleaning product with good bacteria, probiotics, can change the community of microbes on hospital surfaces, with a ...

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September 2014
How does microbial cleaning reduce the number of pathogens on hospital surfaces?

Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) are a major problem in hospitals and clinics. In Europe, about 5.7% of patients deal with these infections, costing ...

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The 5-Day Clean Promise

Guaranteed to clean deeper and longer.

While disinfectants become inactive within 30 minutes after application, Clean Habits products with our patented HEIQ Synbio Technology® are still hard at work 24 hours after the first application for up to five full days. Don’t take our word for it — we’ve got Science on our side.
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